Plum and Oatmeal Cookies

Oatmeal is a natural source of very healthy energy and plums have the antioxidant power that nature gives us. A very easy recipe and for those looking for a healthy dessert, with all the nutrients that are needed to start the day with healthy breakfasts to get lots of energy. That recipe yields 70 pieces, which can be kept in a dry bottle and, thus, last for many days. It is also a very good idea for the boys to take to school, as a snack in the office and, why not, for snack time.



500 gr of dried and chopped DOTTORI plums
 150 cubic centimeters of integral oil
200 gr of whole sugar
225 gr whole wheat flour
175 gr of fine oatmeal
1 table spoon bicarbonate tea
1 table spoon baking powder
150 cm3 of water
1 table spoon sea salt tea 
Half table spoon of vanilla essence
Half table spoon of malt flour (optional)
TO DECORATE: Flax, chí or sesame seeds



  1. Mix all the dry ingredients: whole sugar, whole wheat flour, fine oatmeal, baking soda, baking powder, sea salt and malt flour if we choose to use it. Add plums, oil and water to this mixture.
  2. Knead the preparation and stretch with a wooden stick until you reach an inch thick. Cut into equal pieces of approximately 3 centimeters in diameter, we can use for this action a mold or a clean lid. Place each piece on an oiled plate. Cook in the oven over medium heat for eight or ten minutes. They can be painted with water and sprinkled with different types of seeds such as flax, chia or sesame before introducing them in the oven.
  3. They will be ready when they look golden and firm. Remove from the oven to enjoy these oatmeal and plum cookies, delicious and healthy. These Cookies are perfect for tea time or for a delicious coffee. Stored in an airtight jar they will last several days.